πŸ“ƒContract Information

An overview of the Contract Information provided by PSYBOT to give more insight to any real-time token alerts.

PSYBOT listens to all blockchain events on every token to publish lightning-fast, real-time token alerts, this includes the following information:

Contract InformationDescription

Alert Type

Real-time token alerts include open trading, burnt liquidity, locked liquidity, and liquidity increase.

Token Name

The registered name of the token.


The price of the token at the time the alert was sent.

Contract Address

Contract Address used for verifying information and sniping.

Liquidity Pool Address

The Contract address of the liquidity pair.


Current marketcap at the time the alert was sent.


Current cash reserves in the liquidity pool.

Liquidity Locked

Displays true or false depending on whether liquidity has been locked.

Contract Age

Displays how long ago the contract was deployed.

Ownership Renounced

Displays true or false depending on whether ownership of the contract has been renounced.

Number of Holders

Number of token holders at the time the alert was sent.

All-Time High

Displays the all-time high of the token.


Displays true or false depending on whether the contract is verified.


Displays true or false depending on the results from the honeypot audit.


Displays the taxes of buying and selling tied to the contract.

Deployer Wallet

Quickly identifies the deployer wallet and funding source.

Dex Screener

A direct link to the Dex Screener.

Dex Tools

A direct link to the Dex Tools.

Token Sniffer Audit

A direct link to the Token Sniffer Audit.

Honey Pot Checker

A direct link to the Honeypot Audit.

Last updated